Dental Services in Southern Pines NC

Discovering the Hidden Dangers of Tooth Decay

April 30, 2024

Tooth decay is more common than you might think, coming in as a close second to the common cold. Despite its prevalence, many people don't realize that tooth decay can lead to compromised tooth structure, damaged tissue inside the tooth, and even severe infection or tooth loss if left untreated.

The Causes of Tooth Decay and the Importance of Preventive Care

Tooth decay is caused by plaque buildup around teeth and gums. Plaque harbors bacteria that are harmful to your oral health, so it's essential to remove it consistently. By doing this, you can prevent cavities from forming in the first place.

At John F. Ceraso, DMD, we prioritize the prevention and early detection of dental diseases to avoid small issues escalating into bigger problems down the line. When you visit our office for a checkup, rest assured that your smile and those of your loved ones are in capable hands. We use state-of-the-art technology and techniques to thoroughly examine your teeth, gums, and jaw for any signs of dental disease or developing issues.

As part of our comprehensive preventive care program, every checkup comes with a professional teeth cleaning to remove any accumulations of plaque or tartar that you may have missed while brushing or flossing. Our dental team will also review your home care routine and offer guidance on how to clean and care for your teeth more effectively between appointments.

Extra Preventive Care Measures for Children

Due to inconsistent oral hygiene practices and dietary habits, children are particularly susceptible to developing cavities. In fact, studies show that 78% of children will have had a cavity by the time they turn 17 years old. To provide an added layer of protection against tooth decay in children, our dentist often recommends periodic fluoride treatments and dental sealants.

Patient Comfort is Our Top Priority

If you are diagnosed with tooth decay, it's essential to seek treatment right away. Without proper care, cavities will worsen over time, causing further damage and discomfort. Our dentist will gently remove any damaged tooth structure and place a restoration to restore your tooth's structural integrity, appearance, and function. Plus, we use the latest generation of cosmetically pleasing, tooth-colored materials that blend seamlessly with your smile.

Comprehensive Dental Solutions for Every Smile

While tooth decay is a widespread oral health concern, regular visits to our office can help prevent cavities from forming. At John F. Ceraso, DMD, we offer personalized, state-of-the-art solutions for all your dental healthcare needs. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, get in touch with us today.

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